Dancing in the Rain and Other Essays


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English (US)
The University Press Limited
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Book Info

The essays in this third book of the author, are different from the first two books of the collection of essays i.e. Turbulence and Tranquility and Where Angels Fear to Tread, as they had autobiographical elements in the social and political context of the line. The present volume provides the author's reflections and reminiscences on a variety of subjects and is divided into four parts: Reflections, Impressions, Reminiscences, and Glimpses of the Past. For instance, Jalil speaks about his mother and the reader not only gets an impression of his deep love and affection for his mother but also of her interests and activities and the social milieu in which she lived. He tracks back down the memory lane of sixty years or so and comes up with a vivid account of his elders sitting in the morning sun discussing the weather and crop prospects. One gets the description of the rural roads, hats, and common people's curiosity and of their genuine hospitality. The author remembers with reverence his teachers in college and university, who also occupied high government positions. He delves into the past and refreshes the readers' minds about some historical personages e.g. Alexander and Hitler providing interesting accounts of the last days of their lives. For those who have a special fascination for the Great Mughals, he gives the tale of the two last surviving Mughal princesses. He recounts the wonderful story of an eminent Bengalee, Tamizuddin Khan, who stood courageously and firmly for principles and parliamentary democracy against all odds thus becoming a part of the unfolding constitutional history of the Indian sub-continent. The book informs as well as entertains the readers. It enkindles the interest in their mind, particularly of the younger generations, for further reading and research in history.



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