A Z M Obaidullah Khan is a distinguished poet, scholar and former civil servant of Bangladesh. He has been both a participant in and observer of poverty alleviation and development. During his long and distinguished career in the civil service he has been Secretary in the Ministeries of Agriculture and Rural Development and Cooperatives of Bangladesh Government. Mr Khan was the Minister for Agriculture and also Communications, Bangladesh Government from 1982-84. He later became Bangladesh Ambassador to the United States in 1984. He obtained BA (Hons) and Masters degree from Dhaka University in 1954 and Diploma in Development Economics and Public Administration from Magdalene College, Cambridge, UK in 1959. He has been Senior Fellow of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1980-82), Fellow of Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University where he taught a course on China (1974-75) and a Fellow in Residence, East West Centre (1988-89). He is an eminent poet in Bangla receiving the Bangla Academy Award for poetry in 1979 and National Award for Poetry in 1985. His professional works include: Poverty Oriented Rural Development and the UN Family— A Turning Point (World Bank, 1976); Three Great Struggles in the Chinese Countryside (BIDS, 1977); Yellow Sand Hills— China Through Chinese Eyes (BARD, Comilla, 1974); Rural Development: Problems and Prospects in Bangladesh (AID, USA, 1973); Cultural Revolution in a Chinese Commune (London, 1972); An Unfinished Story— Rural Development in South Asia (ESCAP, Bangkok, 1980); Political Commitment and Rural Development (FAO, Rome 1979).