M. Eusuf is currently working as a Senior Fellow and Head of Energy Division in Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS). He is the Bangladesh Team Leader of the ADB sponsored project Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Abatement (PREGA). Dr. Eusuf has been associated with research, development and dissemination of energy technologies at Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) since 1964. He has published numerous research and review papers in national and international journals. He has to his credit 12 patents on energy technologies and 5 technologies leased out for commercial exploitation. Under his guidance technologies of renewable energy have been developed and these are now being disseminated by BCSIR in the rural areas. He has been a consultant on energy projects to GOB, IDRC, FAO, UNDDSMS, World Bank, UNDP, ADB, REB and a number of NGOs.