Muhammad Habibur Rahman, a former chief justice of Bangladesh, and the chief advisor of the Non-party Care-taker Government in 1996, was educated at Dhaka and Oxford. He was called to the Bar from Lincolns Inn in 1959. Justice Rahman received the Bangla Academy Award for literature in 1994. He is a Fellow of the Bangla Academy and the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, an Honorary Bencher of the Lincolns Inn, London and an Honorary Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. He has authored: Law of Requisition, Yathashabda (Right Word), Koransutra (Koranic Reference), Matribhashar Sapakshay Rabindranath (Tagore for Mother Tongue), Rabindra Prabandhey Songya O Parthakyabichar (Definitions and Differentiations in Tagor's Essays), Bachan-O-Prabachan (Idioms and Proverbs), Rabindra-Rechanar Rabinidra Byakhya (Tagore on Tagore), Rabindrabakkay Art, Sangeet O Sahitya (Tagore on Art, Music and Literature), Gangariddhi Theke Bangladesh (From Gangraiddhi to Bangladesh), Amra Ki Jabona Tader Kachhe Jara Shudhu Banglai Katha Bale (Shall we not go to those who speak only Bangla), Bangladesh Dirghojeebee Hok (Long Live Bangladesh), Teroi Bhadra Sheeter Janma (The Thirteenth Bhadra, the Winter's Birthday), Ainer Sashan O Bicharbivager Swadhinata (The Rule of Law and the Independence of Judiciary) and The Rallying Power of Law.