
161 items found.
Human Development in South Asia, 2001
412.50 ৳ 550.00 ৳ 412.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Hydropolitics: Conflicts over Water as a Development Constraint
262.50 ৳ 350.00 ৳ 262.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
International Political Economy: Understanding Global Disorder
262.50 ৳ 350.00 ৳ 262.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Japan's Security Policy for the Twenty-First Century
150.00 ৳ 200.00 ৳ 150.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Jibanananda Das
300.00 ৳ 400.00 ৳ 300.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Jorimon and Others: Faces of Poverty
112.50 ৳ 150.00 ৳ 112.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Just My Luck: Memoirs of a Police Officer of the Raj
300.00 ৳ 400.00 ৳ 300.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Khoda Hafez vs Allah Hafez and Other Critical Essays
240.00 ৳ 320.00 ৳ 240.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Living Silence: Burma under Military Rule
487.50 ৳ 650.00 ৳ 487.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Looking Outward: Bangladesh in the World Economy
206.25 ৳ 275.00 ৳ 206.25 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Non-Party Caretaker Government in Bangladesh
262.50 ৳ 350.00 ৳ 262.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Overcoming the Governance Crisis in Dhaka City
243.75 ৳ 325.00 ৳ 243.75 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Parisian Portraits
281.25 ৳ 375.00 ৳ 281.25 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Practical MICRO Finance: A Training Guide for South Asia
337.50 ৳ 450.00 ৳ 337.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Promoting the Rural Non-farm Sector in Bangladesh
375.00 ৳ 500.00 ৳ 375.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
112.50 ৳ 150.00 ৳ 112.5 BDT ( 25 % OFF)
Rethinking Rural Poverty: Bangladesh as a Case Study
300.00 ৳ 400.00 ৳ 300.0 BDT ( 25 % OFF)