Moazzem Hossain studied agricultural economics at Bangladesh Agricultural University. He was awarded masters and PhD degrees in agricultural development economics by the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Western Australia (UWA) respectively. He teaches economics at Griffith Business School, Griffith University Brisbane. He was visiting fellow to the IDS, University of Sussex; Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague; Institute for Economic Development (IED), Boston University; Burkback College, University of London. Dr Hossain was awarded the inaugural Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Professorial Fellowship (Chair) via a global search by the University of Hull, UK in 2000. Subsequently, the University of Dhaka jointly with the University of Hull produced a volume titled, Bangladesh's Development Agenda and Vision 2020: Rhetoric or Reality? co-edited by Dr. Hossain (Dhaka: UPL, 2003). Dr. Hossain has contributions in several scholarly international journals. He is currently working on the long term economic growth prospects in South Asia in the era of climate change and information revolution for the Edward Elgar publishing, UK.