
Hemayetuddin Ahmed

Hemayetuddin Ahmed left behind his energy and charisma in every aspect of his work. He started his career in the then Daily Azad, as a sub-editor while he was a student at the University of Dhaka and joined USIS after finishing his studies. He served as Executive Editor in the Bangladesh Observer and Morning Sun. His terms in civil service were in Calcutta as Press Attache in the High Commission and then in East Pakistan Railways as the Chief Publicity and Public Relations Officer. He was the founder Director of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation. Next, he moved on to head the Directorate of Films and Publications and retired as a Director General in the External Publicity wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Besides being an avid reader of history, his interests covered a wide span and he wrote on politics, history, and contemporary events, and critiqued and reviewed a number of works of noted authors. A life of sincerity and leadership inspired many along the way.

Books of the Author