
A. Atiq Huq Rahman

A. Atiq Rahman is the Director of Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS). He taught and researched for over 14 years in British Universities including Oxford and Aberdeen. He also coordinates the Global Forum on Environment and Poverty (GFEP) and the Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA). He has been a leading actor at the UNCED, global climate change negotiations, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Kyoto Climate Summit. He is also the Chairman, Steering Committee of Asia-Pacific National Councils for Sustainable Development. Nick Robins is presently the Director of European Programme of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK. His recent work has been on consumption and production processes in the North and the South. Annie Roncerel is presently the Programme Advisor to the Energy and Atmosphere Programme within the Bureau for Policy Development at UNDP, New York. Her recent activities included the editing of the UNDP publication Energy after Rio: Prospect and Challenges.

Books of the Author