Bangladesh’s Goal Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Cities

A Critical Investigation

Mondal, Lipon, AU

Chapter |  17

Year of Publication  |  2024

Imprint  |   The University Press Limited (UPL)


This chapter sheds light on Bangladesh’s Goal towards Inclusive and Sustainable Cities. In the author’s opinion, there are serious gaps between the existing urban problems created and sustained by the postcolonial state and neoliberal market and the solutions to those problems offered by the government’s plans and actions. This chapter explores such gaps by critically drawing on the theories of urban transformation, dispossession, and inclusive city, scholarly urban literature on Bangladesh, government’s policy and action reports, and empirical evidence collected from Dhaka. The author argues that unplanned urbanization and corrupt urban practices have made most Bangladeshi cities unequal, unsustainable, and unlivable. He shows that the government’s plans and actions since 1947 for building inclusive and sustainable cities are unrealistic and inadequate. The chapter further demonstrates how incumbent and future governments can achieve urban-related SDGs through re-planning and reorganizing cities for all. The author also proposed policies to create inclusive and sustainable cities in Bangladesh and concludes his chapter by highlighting the problems and prospects of urban life in 21st century Bangladesh.

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Copyright © UPL 1975 - 2024

About this chapter

Mondal, Lipon, AU. Bangladesh’s Goal Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Cities: A Critical Investigation. Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Year of Publication


Publisher Name 

The University Press Limited (UPL)


The University Press Limited (UPL)





Edition No.